City Lit, London
Upcoming Classes
Focus on: the art of Siena
Course Dates: 01/03/20
Time: 10:30 – 16:30
The golden panels of the Sienese masters are immediately identifiable but why was their work so different? Today we explore the art of Siena, its world, its symbolism and how it was made.
National Portrait Gallery
Course Dates: 02/03/20 – 30/03/20
Time: 11:00 – 13:00
Discover portraiture and the National Portrait Gallery’s collection. Different periods and styles are discussed each week in front of the portraits.
The Dutch and Flemish Golden Age
Course Dates: 06/03/20 – 03/04/20
Time: 10:30 – 12:40
From the grandeur of Rubens to the soul-searching of Rembrandt, we explore the many masters of one of the most influential eras of artistic production, in a region of tremendous diversity and innovation.
Focus on: iconography
Course Dates: 22/03/20
Time: 10:30 – 16:30
Ever wondered whether there’s a hidden meaning behind paintings? Discover why there are signs and symbols in paintings and how to find and interpret their meanings in medieval and Renaissance art.
The power and influence of German Art: From Early Medieval to Early Modern
Course Dates: 22/04/20 – 01/07/20
Time: 10:30 – 12:40
Discover the art of Germany from medieval to modern and the variety of artists came be a major influence not just on Northern art but also the Italian Renaissance and ultimately all of European art.
The history and meaning of portraiture
Course Dates: 23/04/20 – 02/07/20
Time: 14:00 – 16:10
Examine the changing face of the portrait in art history from the early Renaissance to the present. Look at how and why its meaning and function have changed over the years and why artists are still drawn to it despite photography.
What makes a masterpiece
Course Dates: 24/04/20 – 03/07/20
Time: 11:00 – 13:00
Location: London museums and galleries
Look at works in the Western canon and ask why we consider them to be masterpieces. What formal qualities do they all share, if any, or is our interpretation of a masterpiece largely subjective?
Italian Renaissance drawing: design, form and function
Course Dates: 11/05/20 – 29/06/20
Time: 18:00 – 20:10
Behind every great Renaissance painting is an equally astounding, some would say greater, Renaissance drawing. Indeed artists were judged firstly not by the quality of their paintings but by their grasp of, and skill in, drawing. Discover more about why and how great Renaissance works were created.
Focus on: Vermeer
Course Dates: 17/05/20
Time: 10:30 – 16:30
Master of stillness and light, author of only 35, maybe 36, known works, Vermeer’s art continues to fascinate. Discover his life and works in the context of the Dutch Golden Age.